McMinnville-Warren County
Senior Center Inc.
809 Morrison St. McMinnville, Tennessee 37110
Ph 931-473-6559    Fax 931-473-2982


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Services We Provide

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Our Center


Our Center Director
Cheryl Mingle
Email Cheryl


Anyone for a game of pool?


Our Center's Van


Services We Provide
Click a category for a short description of each service or
scroll down to read the entire list.
Information and Assistance Outreach
Health Screening Elder Care Coalition
Friendly Visiting Physical Fitness
Recreational & Leisure Activities Homemaker Aide Services
Telephone Reassurance Educational Programs
Volunteer Opportunities Nutrition Screening
Public Guardianship, Legal Assistance & LTC Ombudsman
Emergency Red Cross Shelter
Sunny Day Adult Day Care

Congregate Meals - Provided by UCHRA - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Information and Assistance - A service for older individuals that (A) provides the individuals with current information on opportunities and services available to the individuals within their communities, including information relating to assistive technology; (B) assesses the problems and capacities of the individuals; (C) link the individuals to the opportunities and services that are available; (D) to the maximum extent practicable, ensures that the individuals, by establishing adequate follow-up procedures. Service Category: Access.
Health Screening - Services which utilize diagnostic tools to test groups of people for the presence of a particular disease or condition or for certain risk factors known to be associated with a disease or condition. Service Category: Disease Prevention/Health Promotion
Friendly Visiting - Regularly scheduled visits to the residence of older participants to provide companionship and social interaction, staffed by volunteers. Service Category: In-Home
Recreational & Leisure Activities - Providing activities (structures or unstructured) which foster the
health and/or social wellbeing of individuals through social interaction and the satisfying use of leisure time. (Example: dancing, cards, singing, board games) Service Category: Community
Telephone Reassurance - A telephone service to provide comfort or help to provide companionship and social interaction staffed by volunteers. Service Category: In-Home
Volunteer Opportunities - TELEPHONE REASSURANCE - This program matches a volunteer with an elderly person, which requests a daily, or weekly phone call.
IN HOME VISITATION - Volunteers will make weekly visits to persons who are homebound, or request visitation due to lack of socialization.

OUTREACH - Volunteers make initial visits or phone calls designed to identify and contact isolated older persons who may have service needs and to assist them in gaining access to appropriate services.

ACTIVITY LEADER - Volunteers are to share knowledge, skills and talents by arranging and coordinating group activities for the benefit of senior participants.
WELCOME HOST/HOSTESS - Volunteers greet all visitors and participants entering and exiting the Senior Center, invite guest to have coffee and refreshments, assist with any question which they may have, and to make all visitors and participants feel welcome.

SCRAPBOOK ORGANIZER - Volunteers are to collect and file newspaper articles, photographs, and other information about the Senior Center in albums which will be made available to participants and guests for reading/viewing.

ACTIVITIES BOARD COORDINATOR - Volunteers are to provide up to date listings of the Center's program and activities in a visible area of the main facility to keep participants and guests informed of activities, services, and opportunities.

These programs depend entirely on volunteers. We are grateful for the time and caring that so many have given. As the elderly population grows, so does the need for new and increased services.
We encourage individuals or groups to become involved in our volunteer programs as we strive to offer more quality services. You can truly make a difference! For information about volunteering, please contact us at the center 931-473-6559.

Outreach - Agency initiated activities designed to identify and contact isolated older persons who may have unmet service needs and to assist them in gaining access to appropriate services; delivered by agencies with a defined responsibility and trained staff specifically designated for providing this service. Service Category: Access
Elder Care Coalition - The goal of the Warren County C.A.R.E.S. Program is to help low income, low income minority, rural, handicapped, frail, isolated elders live independently and with dignity in their own home. The services are available to person*s age 60 and older. There is no charge for this service, but donations are accepted. C.A.R.E.S. objectives are to help rural elderly live independently and with dignity by offering grocery shopping, commodities/medicine pick-up and to delivery. To offer outreach for individuals with illness, frailty, social isolation and for people who have no effective
support system in place. To target minorities and to provide links to individuals to the opportunities and services that are available.
Physical Fitness - Programs providing activities for people who want to improve their strength, flexibility, endurance, muscle tone, reflexes, cardiovascular health and/or other aspects of physical functioning. (Example: exercise programs, walking or other fitness activities) Service Category: Disease Prevention/Health Promotion
Homemaker Aide Services -The provision of homemaker assistance to eligible consumers who are unable to perform household and management tasks, and yet wish to remain in their own homes. Service Category: In Home
Educational Programs - Activities designed to assist individuals to acquire knowledge, experience or skills, provided to a group of older persons regarding issues relateing to their health, welfare, or well-being. Includes events to increase awareness in such areas as nutrition, financial management/consumerism, crime or accident prevention,; promote personal enrichment; increase or gain skills in a craft or trade. Service Category: Community
Nutrition Screening - Effective nutrition screening and intervention involves the development of intervention programs. For individuals at nutrition risk to change their nutritional status. These interventions may focus on changing an individuals eating habits or other aspects of health care, lifestyle or behavior which impact on their nutritional status. Service Category: Community/In-Home
Public Guardianship, Legal Assistance & LTC Ombudsman - Visit the Upper Cumberland Development District web site
Emergency Red Cross Shelter - Visit the Red Cross web site.
Sunny Day Adult Day Care - Jump to our page about this program.


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